ESAIC guidelines
Guidelines play a crucial role in delivering evidence-based recommendations to physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals. Within the field of anaesthesia, guidelines are instrumental in standardizing clinical practices and enhancing patient outcomes. For numerous years, the ESAIC has served as a pivotal platform for facilitating continuous advancements, harmonising clinical management practices across Europe, and elevating care standards.
For more info or if interested to help, email guidelines@esaic.org
About the Guidelines
The task forces are made up of anaesthesiologists nominated by the subcommittee chairs to include experts from the necessary scientific fields. These individuals are complemented by others with particular interest and enthusiasm both as task force members and part of a wider advisory group.
After literature searches and appraisal of papers, the task force experts can produce scientifically robust recommendations for clinical practice.
For more information, please see the ‘Guidelines production requirement for website Final Sep2022 Final‘
Benefits of ESAIC Guidelines Committee activities:
- To make available a European guideline to be used by individual ESAIC members and adopted, with any desired modifications, by national societies of anaesthesiology for their own national use, if they so wish.
- Harmonisation of clinical management of anaesthesiology, perioperative medicine and related clinical areas throughout Europe.
- Improvement of standards of care throughout Europe.
ESAIC full members benefit from having the opportunity to leave a review and comment on new draft guidelines. Every time a draft is ready, a link to an online comment form is communicated to the full members.
However, please note that authorship is not assigned to the reviewers.