Partnering together for patient safety and health

Monthly visitors
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Engaged members
Over 50,000 members
and growing each year
Reach the entire ESAIC network
The European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) is the leading organisation in anaesthesia and intensive care. With over 30,000 anaesthesiologists, intensivist, trainee, and specialist members across Europe and beyond, we are the perfect partner to help your organization achieve its business objectives. Whether your goal is to increase brand awareness, establish positive relationships or engage with leaders and experts, the ESAIC can present our current sponsorship opportunities or customise a package to help you partner with confidence.
Support or Sponsor Educational Activities
The ESAIC presents many high-quality educational activities, e-learning modules and teaching programmes that are held online and across Europe each year. Each activity is tailored to offer lifelong learning for our community, while many also offer valuable CME credits. Help improve quality, patient safety and outcomes by supporting educational programmes with an unrestricted education grant. Examples of our Educational partnership opportunities include:
- Webinars with CME – Live on ESAIC Academy platform
- eLearning/Micro-learning modules – published on ESAIC Academy platform
- Clinical Masterclasses
- Learning Tracks
- Podcasts
- TryMe Quizzes
Support or Sponsor Research Activities
Our network of anaesthesiologists, hospitals, national societies, and partnering institutions – across Europe – make us the best academic clinical research organisation (A-CRO) and resource for partners looking to bridge the gap within their studies and cross international borders in order to obtain the most optimal results.
Unrestricted Research Grants
To help institutions and individual ESAIC investigators perform research in Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine, Intensive Care, Critical Emergency Medicine, and Pain, an exchange platform with experts can be constituted. The Grant can support ESAIC Research projects or support individual investigators applying for the Grant. In the latter case, the Industry company and the Research Committee agree on a topic and the Research Committee defines independently the exact question and opens a call for applications. During Euroanaesthesia, the Grant is awarded to the winner. Visibility is given to the companies giving an unrestricted Research Grant in the communications about the Grant.
Congress Opportunities
Showcase your brand, products and services to an engaged audience of doctors in anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine from all over Europe and beyond. We have sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available, such as:
- Attendance with an exhibition stand
- Dedicated industry sessions, such as symposia and workshops
- ESAIC workshops sponsorship, equipment providing
- Guided tours
- Theme area presentations with ESAIC and Industry experts
- Onsite and digital advertising
- Various sponsorship opportunities
Other Opportunities
- Public Awareness Campaigns: ESAIC can partner with third parties on public awareness campaigns to promote health literacy, raise awareness about specific medical conditions or treatment options, or advocate for patient safety initiatives related to anaesthesiology and intensive care, environmental conservation for greener and more sustainable healthcare systems, or safety education, leveraging the ESAIC network capacity to reach a wider audience.
- Communication and Dissemination: ESAIC may offer opportunities for industry partners to publish their research findings, case studies, or clinical trials in the ESAIC Newsletter, providing a platform for dissemination to a wider audience.
These collaboration opportunities can help industry partners demonstrate their commitment to corporate social responsibility, enhance their brand reputation, and contribute positively to society while also benefiting from increased goodwill and stakeholder engagement.
Broader reach for e-learning
12K + unique views
57K + accessed the ESAIC Academy
Increased audience & visibility
55K + engaged community
members & followers
Strong brand recognition
6K + congress attendees
8K + professionals receive our educational materials
Positioned as leader in science & research
500+ CTN centers
What’s in it for you?
Raise your organisation’s profile, establish brand trust, create new business opportunities, and develop long-term business relations among the anaesthesia and intensive care specialty while also improving patient outcomes, developing innovative solutions, and advancing the specialty of anesthesiology. There are many ways a partnership with the ESAIC can benefit you:
- Collaborate on projects around key topics of your choice
- Establish your company as a key leader in the field
- Increase awareness and visibility of your brand and products
- Access valuable and extensive data to better drive your business
- Reach an extensive and international network of anaesthesiologists
- Receive exclusive invitations to participate in ESAIC activities