Guidelines for authors submitting articles to the ESAIC Newsletter
The ESAIC Newsletter is an online publication released every other month (6 issues per year) that should serve to strengthen our links as a professional society.
We are, therefore, interested in disseminating the ongoing work of its members, scientific committees, the board of directors, and the rest of the anaesthesiology community. We have the intention to publish different material such as opinion articles concerning anaesthesia, intensive care, perioperative medicine, and pain medicine, comments about articles previously published in peer-reviewed journals, interviews of members of ESAIC and articles reporting experiences from our dedicated trainees.
We request all authors submitting manuscripts to read and follow the following regulations prior to submission.
Title: A short and attractive title is highly encouraged.
Authors: The name and surname of all authors should be included.
Please also include affiliations and e-mail addresses of the corresponding author.
Main text: The main text is recommended to be between 1000 to 1500 words in length.
In case of reporting about a clinical case disclosing the personal details of a patient, informed consent from the patient or relatives should be obtained beforehand.
Figures and tables: A maximum number of 2 figures or tables are allowed with references in the main text. They should be accompanied by a legend.
Permission must be obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources.
References: A maximum number of 10 references should be used. Indicate references by superscript numbers in the text and list them in the order in which they appear in the text.
The style used for reference should be according to the APA Style.
Language: English is the language of all articles published in the ESAIC Newsletter.
Articles must be submitted in Word format via our submission form. The ESAIC Newsletter Editors will communicate with the corresponding author regarding acceptance or the need for review, along with the expected issue that the article will be published in.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in a newsletter article reflect only the author’s views and opinions about a subject and may not necessarily represent the point of view of the ESAIC unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Newsletter submission form: Click here to submit your article