Newsletter 2022
Patient Safety Movement Foundation Summit
Alex Rawlings – ESAIC Patient Safety and Simulation Project Manager
2022 World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit
April 29 @ 8:00 am – April 30 @ 5:00 pm PDT
Since 2017, ESAIC has co-convened the Patient Safety Movement Foundation’s annual summit. This relationship has been important in talking the ESAIC’s message on Patient Safety beyond the borders of Europe and into the international arena.
The PSMF has existed since 2014. It is a non-profit organisation dedicated to eliminating medical errors.
The story of its creation was born out of a desire to bring change to healthcare. “When the 1999 report To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System was released by the Institute of Medicine, it was the first time the impact and consequences of medical errors were quantified. The report generated a sort of enlightenment that led many like-minded people to form organisations to combat medical errors and hospitals to begin implementing processes to reduce harm.” Joe Kiani, Founder, and Chairman of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation was so distressed by the statistic that over 180,000 Americans were dying annually from preventable causes in hospitals, that he began to ask questions and track what was being done in the United States to reduce these unnecessary deaths.
As this number grew year by year he was inspired to build an organisation that would focus on bringing change to healthcare so that there would be ZERO preventable deaths, an ambitious goal that the Foundation believes in wholeheartedly because, as they say: “ONE preventable patient death is one too many”.
The ESAIC has a core vision for its contribution toward Patient Safety: Healthcare that is free from preventable patient harm. Seeing that this vision aligned with the PSMF, it was a natural step that the 2 organisations would collaborate to support these goals. Since 2017 ESAIC Presidents have been keynote speakers at PSMF Summits and members of the ESAIC Patient Safety and Quality Committee have been invited, as panellists.
This year ESAIC President Edoardo De Robertis will be a Keynote Speaker at the PSMF 2022 Summit, speaking on the topic: Innovation doesn’t need to be glamorous or expensive.
The 2022 World Patient Safety, Science and Technology Summit will be a virtual event. This will make it easier for ESAIC Members to attend. As we are co-conveners, ESAIC members will receive a $100 discount at checkout by using the code ESAICMEMBER.
You can find more information and register here:
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