Educational Courses
Train the Trainer
The Train The Trainer course will be re-launched in 2025.
About the Train the Trainer Course
The TTT course, held since 2013, is developed to share knowledge and inspire participants to become educators and leaders who strive for improvement in anaesthesiology education.
The ESAIC recognises that the standard of teaching of Anaesthesiology is a vital element of ensuring that our patients receive high quality safe care. Many Anaesthesiologists are involved in teaching not only those who work in University Departments, and not just Medical staff. The teaching of Operating Department Practitioners and nursing staff is often part of our work.
Although doctors receive a great deal of education, they are not often taught how to deliver education. To address this need the ESAIC has developed a basic and intermediate TTT course for Anaesthesiology Specialists and final year Anaesthesia Residents to improve their teaching skills.
The ESAIC Train the Trainer Course
The course is conducted in English and is made up of two distinct but interconnected parts.
The first part is online and includes a series of modules taking part in an asynchronous learning environment (estimated time per module is one hour and thirty minutes) and 4 synchronous 45 minutes online sessions, over the course of four months.
This online course aims to provide you with the basic teaching skills needed to improve you as a trainer and make your teaching sessions more effective and engaging.
At the end of the first (online) part we expect you will be able to:
- Organise and deliver effective formal and informal teaching sessions
- Have a systematic approach to teaching
- Observe performance of residents and students and provide good feedback
- Understand the basic principles of assessment and types of assessment used in the workplace and in more formal examinations
- Use the tools from the course to guide personal development as a trainer
The course is highly interactive and much of the work is done by the students, facilitated by the faculty.
The course is limited to 60 places for this online part and has a cost of 50 euros.
Out of those only 25 will be able to advance to the second part – face to face (selection criteria include but are not exclusive - completion of all modules, submission of homework, attendance rate).
The second part is a week long face to face course which further expands and builds on the knowledge acquired during the online part. In part II there is more advanced material on organising teaching and meetings, on the examination systems and the management of a residency programme. Several guest speakers will talk about the European Diploma, and the use of simulators or Anaesthetic education.
At the end of the second (face to face) part we expect you will be able to:
- Organise and deliver effective formal and informal teaching sessions
- Understand the principles of mentoring and providing structured feedback
- Have an overall approach to designing and delivering an Anaesthetic teaching program
- Apply principles of assessment and types of assessment used in the workplace and in more formal examinations
- Develop educational programs and implement change
- Use the tools from the course to guide personal development as a trainer
The course is highly interactive and much of the work is done by the students, facilitated by the faculty.
The course will be self-funded – there will be a registration fee and the costs of traveling and accommodation are supported by the student.