Fellow of the European Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Becoming a Fellow of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (FESAIC™) is a prestigious honour awarded to healthcare professionals who have made a significant contribution to anaesthesiology and intensive care.

The FESAIC application form is available year-round. However, the deadline for the current year’s applications is always 31 March 20XX. Applications submitted after this date will be automatically considered for the following year.
How can you apply to
be a Fellow?
See the two criteria within the pathways and fill out the application.
To be a FESAIC indicates and proves an outstanding level of service to the Society and patients – from Congress and research to education and advocacy – that distinguishes FESAIC from its peers. The FESAIC title is recognised throughout the anaesthesiology and intensive care community as a symbol of excellence.
Being a FESAIC is not only a recognition of the contribution to anaesthesiology, it also means that one belongs to a dedicated group of professionals that demonstrates integrity and excellence in the care of patients.
Pathway 1
The candidate needs to have a minimum of 5 consecutive years of ESAIC Active Membership**As of the date of application
Application Requirements
Deadline: 31 March
- Must be endorsed by 2 Active Members
- CV and bibliography required
- The candidate needs to fulfill at least 6 qualification criteria (minimum 1 qualifier from each category; the candidate must provide proof for each qualification criteria)
- One-time handling fee 350€ (Excluding 21% VAT)
Pathway 2
Minimum 2-year EDAIC Holder* and 2-year recurrent Active Membership**As of the date of application
Application Requirements
Deadline: 31 March
- Must be endorsed by 2 Active Members
- CV and bibliography required
- The candidate needs to fulfils at least 3 qualification criteria (minimum 1 qualifier from each category; the candidate must provide proof for each qualification criteria)
- One-time handling fee 350€ (Excluding 21% VAT)
Qualification areas
* Honorary Members are also eligible upon board nomination
Professionalism and Leadership
- Current or past leadership position or participation in an ESAIC committee, task force, or other ESAIC entity
- Local or community leadership position or activities
- Hospital or practice leadership position
- Held a leadership position with a subspecialty or any medical society
- Demonstrated medical volunteerism
Patient Safety and Quality
- Attended an ESAIC Patient Safety and Quality Masterclass (PSQ MC) or Advanced Patient Safety Course (APSC)
- Completed ESAIC Patient Safety Ambassador Programme
- Active participation in ESAIC Patient Safety and Quality Committee (PSQC)
- Other proof of involvement in Patient Safety activities
Education and Scholarly Activities
- Active involvement in teaching or mentoring activities
- Research in anaesthesiology and/or intensive care
- Publication in a peer-reviewed journal or journals
- EDAIC examiner or exam program development
- Education program or material development
- Faculty position at Euroanaesthesia or other educational programs, webinars, or annual meetings
- Editor position for publications
- Subspecialty or other medical board certification
Frequently asked questions
What fees are associated with becoming a FESAIC?
This is a one-time payment of 350€ which is non-refundable regardless of whether the application is approved or not. No other payment is needed for the application.
Please note, your annual ESAIC membership needs to be fully paid and active to retain your fellowship status.
How long is the title valid?
The title will be active as long as the ESAIC membership is fully paid and active.
* Does not apply to Honorary Members
How does the nomination procedure look like?
- First, you submit the application and pay the fee.
- FESAIC committee reviews your application and supporting documents.
- Once these are reviewed, you will receive a notification whether your application is approved or not approved.
- Certificates will formally be handed out at the Euroanaesthesia award ceremony. If you cannot attend, your certificate will be mailed to you.
What if I apply after the 31 March deadline?
If your application or payment is submitted after the 31 March 20xx deadline, it will automatically be passed on to the review committee for the following year’s review period without the need for resubmission.
Does a fellow still have to pay membership fees?
Yes, unless they are an Honorary Member.
How long do I need to participate in an ESAIC leadership position to qualify?
Minimum 1 year as an active member in an ESAIC Committee, task force, or any other entity is required.