The European Journal of Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care
The European Journal of Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care (EJAIC) is an official publication of the ESAIC. It is a new Open Access journal with rapid electronic publication of peer-reviewed, highly scientific quality content. EJAIC is open to experimental studies with clinical relevance, confirmation studies, pilot studies, and study protocols.

About the journal
EJAIC is open to experimental studies with clinical relevance, confirmation studies, pilot studies, and study protocols.
The following article types are considered for publication in EJAIC.
- Original research
- Randomised controlled trials
- Systematic reviews (with or without meta-analyses) of RCTs
- Observational studies
- Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies
- Animal studies
- Diagnostic studies
- Quality improvement studies
- Reviews
- Short Scientific Reports
- Case reports