Twist & Click, the Vygon future range of NRFit® Epidural Anesthesia
Vygon is pleased to announce the future range of NRFit® Epidural anesthesia that will be available shortly.
Want to know more? We will answer your main questions below
What is NRFit®?
A good question to begin with. Back to basics, NRFit® is the secure connection for neuraxial application.
In other words, the ISO 80369 series of Standards for small bore-connectors, aims to avoid misconnections between unrelated delivery systems (such as intravenous, enteral and epidural routes) which can cause injuries and death to patients.
What are the main differences between Luer and NRFit®?
- Smaller diameter: Bore size of a NRFit® connector is approximately 20% smaller than a Luer one
- Colour coding: Universal yellow colour and the NRFit® label on the packaging for time-saving procedures
- Security first: a Luer connector and a NRFit® device can not be connected together thus avoiding the risk of misconnections (last but not least!)
What are the key features of the future Epidural Anesthesia Mini-kits
- 4 different types of catheter available, to choose the one that perfectly fits your needs
- Complete range with accessories, for a complete NRFit® procedure
- A new Twist & Click connector, with an easy set-up: 2 steps only to connect the catheter
To know more watch the video below:
Why Switch to NRFit®?
- To avoid the risk of misconexions: 14% of drug errors in anesthesia are due to wrong route injections1.
- To reduce the hospital costs of accidents: the financial costs of adverse events, in terms of additional treatments and extra days in hospitals, are considerable.
- To increase patient safety: Inadvertent administration of non- epidural medications into the epidural space has the potential for serious morbidity and mortality
Don’t hesitate to follow Vygon on social Network to be advised as soon as the product is available in your country!
1- Drug errors in obstetric anaesthesia: a national survey Yentis, S.M et al. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, Volume 12, Issue 4, 246 – 249
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