Newsletter 2021
We need to know what you think of our Newsletter!
Gabriel M. Gurman, MD
Chief Editor
I have no doubt that recently our readers noticed an important change in the Newsletter functionality. Since the beginning of this year, everyone can insert his/her comment on any of the monthly issued papers.
The editorial board took this decision with the aim of improving the bilateral link to all our members. Good and efficient as it can be, the Newsletter without a permanent and active contact with its readers would lose a good part of its task, that of representing an important tool of connecting people, between our members and the ESAIC Board and between our members themselves.
Unfortunately, the results up to now are not at all encouraging. Almost all the papers aired during the last months received no comment from any reader.
It means that today, as in all the previous years, we are facing a situation of having no idea if what we publish has any impact on our readers. Some would say that this is like giving full gas in neutral! We “hunt” papers, get in contact with people who could write about topics which- at least in our opinion-could interest those who share with us the same speciality, we try to convince (and also succeed) our officers about the importance of publishing in the Newsletter articles related to the daily activity of ESCTAIC, but we have no idea if we, indeed, offer our members what they do need and want.
Neither “letters to the editor” are a real preoccupation for our readers. Letters published in the Newsletter are, indeed, a rara avis!
The question is why?
Why do the papers published in our Newsletter “enjoy” an attitude of rather an indifference? Are we too busy, in our daily activity, and do not have the necessary leisure to dedicate a little time to insert a comment?
Or, even worse, we-the editorial board- fail in our way to present interesting topics, written by pertinent personalities, experts in their own field? Needless to say, without your help, nobody would be able to answer these questions.
This is why I address this short note to each one of our members and readers.
Please, let us know what do you think about what we publish. Write to us about everything which is related to the ESAIC Newsletter: format, frequency, style, subjects, easiness of approach, in short, anything!
Do I need to remind you that this electronic publication belongs to you and it must efficiently serve you?
Thanks a lot, in advance, for your help.
Read our Monthly newsletter.
Read More of our special newsletter covering our virtual congress 2020.
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