Newsletter 2020
Georgian anaesthesiology gets an important place in a very important scientific event
Mamuka Chkhadze
President, Georgian Society of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
In recent years Georgian anaesthesiology has enjoyed a higher profile and importance in medicine in this country.
The Georgian Society of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine (GSACCM) has proven itself to be an efficient and very active organisation. It started with the triannual international congress of anaesthesia and critical care, a periodical event attended by a large number of Georgian specialists and residents in this medical field, who were able to meet local and foreign lecturers, some of them very well known all over the world.
Some years ago, the Georgian Society joined the CEEA annual course, which is organised with the help of some distinguished speakers from abroad and sponsored by the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESAIC).
Now, a new scientific event, this time with more general themes, is planned for the next year and will include also topics related to our field and in cooperation with our society.
Thisfirst large-scale medical conference – Caucasus Medical Days– will be held Tbilisi , Georgia, on June 12-14, 2020, with the contribution of about 100 medical experts from the leading medical institutions of the world.
Caucasus Medical Days will take place in five exhibition spaces of ExpoGeorgia in Tbilisi, and various medical topics will be presented during parallel sessions. Each session will be dedicated to the latest medical achievements in the spheres of oncology, cardiology, neurology, paediatrics,organ transplantation, and also anaesthesiology and critical care medicine. The invited speakers will be both world’s leading foreign and Georgian physicians who work abroad (Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, France and the USA). A scientific journal will be published on the basis of the received abstracts.
Caucasus Medical Days will create an international platform for sharing perspectives in the various domains of medicine with representatives of the leading medical institutions of Georgia and of the world.
After the succesfull third International Congress in November 2019, the society has continued its activity towards professional development of Georgian anesthesiologists and one of the attractive events during the conference will be, among other scientific sessions, the CEEA III course, organised by GSACCM.
We are proud that GSACCM was elected as a member of organising committee of Caucasus Medical Days, taking an active part in the creation of the scientific program of this important event.
We expect a large audience, some 2500-3000 participants attending the three-day program.
The well-known hospitality of our people will be a key part of the success of this important conference.