Congress Newsletter 2022
Trainee sessions events at this year’s Euroanaesthesia
Igor Abramovich is the chair of the ESAIC Trainee Committee. Here he will discuss some of the many lectures, events and sessions for our trainee delegates this year.
Q: Igor welcome to Euroanaesthesia 2022. Our many trainee young anesthesiologists delegates will be excited to finally meet in person again. How do you feel to be coming to Milan?
A: It is really exciting to finally meet in person. Since I started being part of the Trainee Committee, we only had the possibility to meet and interact with our network online. Meeting in person for the first time and enjoying the program of the congress together is thrilling!
Q: Tell us about you and your plans what stage are you at with in? your training, where are you based and what ideas do you have for your future career?
A: Currently I am in my last training year in Charité University Hospital in Berlin and would love to pursue the idea of a Fatigue Risk Management System in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care because of what we experienced in the past years regarding fatigue as well as further educational projects related towards the evolution of education in our speciality.
Q: How did you become involved with the trainee committee? It is a big demand on your time in addition to your many clinical duties?
A: Ah! That’s a great question. I always wanted to get involved and connect via an international network such as the Trainee Network in the ESAIC. Though it is demanding, I am very passionate about the ESAIC Trainee Network and I find energy and time because I love the great people I work with.
Q: I know it is not possible to introduce everyone involved in the committee here in this article but tell us about some of the different things the committee planned for throughout the year in order to remain in contact with fellow colleagues and provide educative and interesting events of interest.
A: Sure, let’s do it briefly then! – We have Nadine van Veenendaal and Albert de Bettignies who overview the European and International Trainee Sections Task Force, our connection to national trainees’ representatives; they are also our council representatives. We have Alexandra Trinks and George Karras who oversee our Social Media Task Force, our PR-Department. We have Iulia Crisan who is involved in all our educational projects and Diogo Mendes Morais who’s head of the coordinating the Trainee’s Euroanaesthesia program. We also have Dilara Akcal, Antonia Kustura, Zinovia Konstanta, and Apostolos Menis who engage in different Task Forces.
Q: There are many sessions dedicated to trainees in the program, for example the Residency Challenges session planned for Monday. How big a part do you and the other committee members play in helping put together these type of sessions?
A: It’s quite challenging for us since we want to ensure a high quality programme as well as a big relevance for trainees. We start planning a year ahead trying to find the right speakers and creating creative sessions Our goal is to identify trainee related dilemmas and discuss them during our session with experienced professionals.
Q: And you yourself are speaking, correct? What is the subject of your congress talk, and when is it?
A: Oh you will find me chairing a few sessions like the posters session about Leadership, Self-Development and Education or our session on Monday Mission (im)possible: residency challenges – If we miss each other, you can find me at our Booth!
Q: Of course, the meeting is about more than the Scientific Program. Tell us about some of the social events planned for trainees at this year’s congress?
A: Connecting with fellow members is very important to us, that is why We got a few events to offer trainees this year. First we would like to invite all trainees to register for our evening event today (Saturday) – limited spaces, so register quickly! Tomorrow you can find us for a short presentation about our work at our booth at 12:00. You could also join us for a coffee at 7am near the Congress – you’ll find the details at our Booth.
Q: What are some of the sessions you yourself would like to attend this year?
A: Lots of sessions to choose from! Personally, since I work in Intensive Care now, I will be visiting those sessions and I would join the sessions about Sustainability & Gender Equity as well – Hope to meet lots of trainees there too.
Q: How can trainees find out more about what is happening at this year’s Euroanaesthesia?
A: The easiest way would be to join our Euroanesthesia Whatsapp Group – You can get access to it at our Booth. We are keeping it updated with everything Trainees need to know. If you are joining the congress virtually, you can e-mail me to join the WhatsApp group.
Thanks so much and enjoy the congress!
Read More of our special newsletter covering our congress.