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The ESAIC is dedicated to supporting professionals in anaesthesiology and intensive care by serving as the hub for development and dissemination of valuable educational, scientific, research, and networking resources.



The ESAIC hosts the Euroanaesthesia and Focus Meeting congresses that serve as platforms for cutting-edge science and innovation in the field. These events bring together experts, foster networking, and facilitate knowledge exchange in anaesthesiology, intensive care, pain management, and perioperative medicine. Euroanaesthesia is one of the world’s largest and most influential scientific congresses for anaesthesia professionals. Held annually throughout Europe, our congress is a contemporary event geared towards education, knowledge exchange and innovation in anaesthesia, intensive care, pain and perioperative medicine, as well as a platform for immense international visibility for scientific research.


Professional Growth

The ESAIC's mission is to foster and provide exceptional training and educational opportunities. The ESAIC ensures the provision of robust and standardised examination and certification systems to support the professional development of anaesthesiologists and to ensure outstanding future doctors in the field of anaesthesiology and intensive care.



The ESAIC aims to advance patient outcomes and contribute to the progress of anaesthesiology and intensive care evidence-based practice through research. The ESAIC Clinical Trial Network (CTN), the Academic Contract Research Organisation (A-CRO), the Research Groups and Grants all contribute to the knowledge and clinical advances in the peri-operative setting.


EU Projects

The ESAIC is actively involved as a consortium member in numerous EU funded projects. Together with healthcare leaders and practitioners, the ESAIC's involvement as an EU project partner is another way that it is improving patient outcomes and ensuring the best care for every patient.

image of a stethoscope laying on the european flag

Patient Safety

The ESAIC aims to promote the professional role of anaesthesiologists and intensive care physicians and enhance perioperative patient outcomes by focusing on quality of care and patient safety strategies. The Society is committed to implementing the Helsinki Declaration and leading patient safety projects.



The ESAIC is committed to implementing the Glasgow Declaration and drive initiatives towards greater environmental sustainability across anaesthesiology and intensive care in Europe.



The ESAIC works in collaboration with industry, national societies, and specialist societies to promote advancements in anaesthesia and intensive care. The Industry Partnership offers visibility and engagement opportunities for industry participants with ESAIC members, facilitating understanding of specific needs in anaesthesiology and in intensive care. This partnership provides resources for education and avenues for collaborative projects enhancing science, education, and patient safety. The Specialist Societies contribute to high-quality educational opportunities for European anaesthesiologists and intensivists, fostering discussion and sharing, while the National Societies, through NASC, maintain standards, promote events and courses, and facilitate connections. All partnerships collectively drive dialogue, learning, and growth in the anaesthesiology and intensive care sector.



Guidelines play a crucial role in delivering evidence-based recommendations to healthcare professionals. Within the fields of anaesthesia and intensive care, guidelines are instrumental in standardizing clinical practices and enhancing patient outcomes. For many years, the ESAIC has served as a pivotal platform for facilitating continuous advancements, improving care standards and harmonising clinical management practices across Europe.



With over 40 years of publication history, the EJA (European Journal of Anaesthesiology) has established itself as a highly respected and influential journal in its field. It covers a wide range of topics related to anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine, including perioperative medicine, pain management, critical care, resuscitation, and patient safety.



Becoming a member of ESAIC implies becoming a part of a vibrant community of nearly 8,000 professionals who exchange best practices and stay updated on the latest developments in anaesthesiology, intensive care and perioperative medicine. ESAIC membership equips you with the tools and resources necessary to enhance your daily professional routine, nurture your career growth, and play an active role in advancing anaesthesiology, intensive care and perioperative medicine.

Membership opportunities
at the ESAIC

woman showing another woman something on her computer in a hospital
Important Notice


The ESAIC Examinations Committee is aware of certain initiatives claiming to be related to the EDAIC that are neither organised nor authorised by the ESAIC. We strongly recommend that you invest your time in the official ESAIC initiatives listed on the ESAIC website. ESAIC accepts no responsibility for the quality of any non-ESAIC courses.


On-Line Assessment (OLA) & Home On-Line Assessment (HOLA)

Test your knowledge and skills with the On-Line Assessment (OLA) & Home On-Line Assessment (HOLA), a computer-based online test very similar to the EDAIC Part I Examination.

image of Diverse Group Of Students Taking Online Tests In Computer Class

Next On-Line Assessment (OLA): Friday 11 April 2025 

Next Home On-Line Assessment (HOLA): Thursday 17 April 2025 to Tuesday 29 April 2025

OLA/HOLA Group Registrations are opened and will close on Monday 3 February 2025 at 13.30 CET

OLA/HOLA Individual Registrations will open on Thursday 16 January 2025 at 13.30 CET and will close on Wednesday 5 March 2025 at 13.30 CET

About the assessment

The On-Line Assessment (OLA) is a computer-based online test very similar to the EDAIC Part I Examination.

All questions of the OLA have been created to match the domains set by the UEMS European Training Requirements in Anaesthesiology, meaning that the OLA is the ideal tool to assess the anaesthetic and intensive care training as defined by the UEMS. The OLA is held in April on a yearly basis and is also, therefore, a perfect test for all candidates planning to take the EDAIC Part I examination in autumn.

The Home On-Line Assessment (HOLA) is the home version of the OLA, which offers flexibility in terms of planning and location to the registered candidates. In 2023, the HOLA was run successfully with more than 2000 candidates. The HOLA is not restricted to any number of participants.

The OLA and HOLA are offered in 11 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Chinese.

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Marking and feedback

The OLA and HOLA have the same structure and marking system as the EDAIC Part I Examination and ITA. They use 2 sets of 60 Multiple Choice Questions, with 5 true/false answers to give for each question. The first section corresponds to Paper A, Basic Science, and the second to Paper B, Clinical Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. This means that each set of questions has a maximum score of 300 marks: 1 mark for a correct answer, 0 marks for a blank or wrong answer.

A detailed report of the candidate’s performance by section (A and B) and by domain is then prepared through the ESAIC office. This report comprises the national and global averages of candidates at the same stage of training, in addition to the overall average scores of all participating candidates. For the sake of additional comparison, previous pass marks of the EDAIC Part I Papers will also be communicated.


As the OLA is similar to the EDAIC Part I Examination in terms of contents and preparation, OLA candidates should read the following documents related to the EDAIC Part I: How to prepare for the EDAIC, a sample of EDAIC Part I questions and Recommended Reading List.

How to prepare for the exam

Individual Registrations for the OLA and HOLA

  1. These registrations apply to individual online registrations taking place after the group registrations. Please make sure your Director of Training has not registered you for the next OLA/HOLA as part of a group before registering online individually.
  2. OLA will only be offered to candidates from the following countries: Argentina, Moldova, Slovenia and Belgium French-speaking community. Candidates from other countries must choose HOLA when registering.
  3. Candidates willing to register individually for the OLA or HOLA must have a myESAIC account and register through it. If you already have a MyESAIC account, please use the same credentials and do not create a new account.
  4. Different payment options are available, including payment by debit or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Bancontact, American Express), and Paypal. Admission documents and invoices will be e-mailed to candidates only if payment has been received and registration is successful.
  5. Make sure that you agree to the OLA Regulations or HOLA Regulations before applying.
  6. Capacity restrictions: All OLA centres have a limited capacity – register early to avoid inconveniences incurred by fully booked centres. This does not apply to HOLA, which has unlimited capacity. Centres which are fully booked cannot be overbooked, and there are no waiting lists. If the centre where you are registered cannot be opened for any unforeseen reason, you will be contacted by the ESAIC and offered an alternative.
  7. Please add the following e-mail addresses to your list of accepted contacts, as the Examinations Office will contact you by e-mail for any questions related to your OLA/HOLA: vera.morales@esaic.org or exam@esaic.org
  8. Cancellation – Refund – Postponement: OLA/HOLA registration orders are not refundable. Please see all cancellation/refund/postponement conditions here. If you cannot attend your OLA/HOLA for any reason, you should please inform the ESAIC office as early as possible so that all organisational steps can be taken.
  9. Visas: In the unlikely event of a candidate taking the (H)OLA abroad, the candidate is responsible for having a valid passport and meeting all the COVID-19-related travelling conditions. (H)OLA registration can neither be refunded nor postponed after the registration deadline, even for refused visas.
  10. COVID-19: If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, we ask you not to come to your OLA centre. If a candidate displays symptoms on the OLA day, the ESAIC, through the Local Host reserves the right to forbid access to the examination premises and send the candidate home.
  11. Changing your registration details: Please note that you can only change your centre or language before the registration deadline. Changing your OLA centre is allowed only once and depends on organisational constraints and the availability of places.
  12. Dyslexic/PTSD candidates: 15 additional minutes for each paper may be awarded to OLA/HOLA candidates suffering from dyslexia or post-traumatic stress disorder. Dyslexic/PTSD candidates must send a letter with a diagnosis, written and signed by a psychologist, to exam@esaic.org and vera.morales@esaic.org, a maximum of 2 weeks after the registration deadline.

Group Registrations for the OLA and HOLA

OLA 2025

OLA Directors of Training from Argentina, Moldova, Slovenia, and the Belgium French-speaking community can register a group of candidates for one of the OLA centres published on the ESAIC website (provided there are seats available).

Directors of Training from other countries can only register a group of candidates for HOLA.

Why register your residents for the OLA/HOLA?

The OLA/HOLA was designed to help anaesthesiologists identify areas where their knowledge needs improving and updating. Directors of Training, consultants and trainees at different stages of training currently use the OLA/HOLA for various purposes: examination preparation, regular self-assessment, formal examination and help for revalidation. The objective will vary depending on the user.

The OLA/HOLA and EDAIC Part I Examination use the same marking system and are similar in content and structure. Candidates preparing for the EDAIC Part I, or a comparable examination, can therefore use the OLA/HOLA to identify areas that require further study. The ESAIC does not set a pass mark for the OLA/HOLA but does provide the Part I pass marks of previous years to candidates for reference. In countries where the OLA is mandatory, the relevant National authority sets the pass marks.

Individuals may use the OLA/HOLA to regularly evaluate their progress, either using their own performance at previous OLA/HOLA as a benchmark or by comparing their current scores with the average scores of their peers in the different subjects. Directors of Training wishing to evaluate the training needs and performance of a group of individuals can use the assessment as a supporting tool.

Finally, the OLA/HOLA may become an important tool for senior colleagues interested in using their individual OLA/HOLA result reports as part of their evidence for revalidation.

Candidate Registration

HOLA has unlimited capacity in terms of candidates.

OLA centres are first open to local residents through group registration and subsequently to external candidates from the same country through individual online registration. Only the remaining examination stations will be made available to external candidates through the individual online registration system.

During group registration, Hosts can register their residents for the OLA/HOLA via an Excel group registration form sent by email to the ESAIC Office. Should you need to receive this Group Registration Form, please contact: vera.morales@esaic.org

If a Host registers residents through group registration, he or she will receive an invoice for the group as well as a group report with the results of the non-specialist candidates he or she registered. The residents will also receive their individual performance reports.

Hosts of OLA centres who do not wish to register candidates and prefer to make all the places in their centres available during individual online registrations can do so but will receive no invoice or group results. During individual registrations, candidates pay directly online.

Important: candidates who were registered during group registration by their Director of Training should not register again individually via the online registration system.

If you have any questions, please contact vera.morales@esaic.org