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The ESAIC hosts the Euroanaesthesia and Focus Meeting congresses that serve as platforms for cutting-edge science and innovation in the field. These events bring together experts, foster networking, and facilitate knowledge exchange in anaesthesiology, intensive care, pain management, and perioperative medicine. Euroanaesthesia is one of the world’s largest and most influential scientific congresses for anaesthesia professionals. Held annually throughout Europe, our congress is a contemporary event geared towards education, knowledge exchange and innovation in anaesthesia, intensive care, pain and perioperative medicine, as well as a platform for immense international visibility for scientific research.


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image of a stethoscope laying on the european flag

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The ESAIC aims to promote the professional role of anaesthesiologists and intensive care physicians and enhance perioperative patient outcomes by focusing on quality of care and patient safety strategies. The Society is committed to implementing the Helsinki Declaration and leading patient safety projects.



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The ESAIC works in collaboration with industry, national societies, and specialist societies to promote advancements in anaesthesia and intensive care. The Industry Partnership offers visibility and engagement opportunities for industry participants with ESAIC members, facilitating understanding of specific needs in anaesthesiology and in intensive care. This partnership provides resources for education and avenues for collaborative projects enhancing science, education, and patient safety. The Specialist Societies contribute to high-quality educational opportunities for European anaesthesiologists and intensivists, fostering discussion and sharing, while the National Societies, through NASC, maintain standards, promote events and courses, and facilitate connections. All partnerships collectively drive dialogue, learning, and growth in the anaesthesiology and intensive care sector.



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With over 40 years of publication history, the EJA (European Journal of Anaesthesiology) has established itself as a highly respected and influential journal in its field. It covers a wide range of topics related to anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine, including perioperative medicine, pain management, critical care, resuscitation, and patient safety.



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Congress Newsletter 2021

Acute Kidney injury in COVID-19 patients linked to higher mortality

Austrian study suggests that dialysis treatment does little to improve chances of survival in intensive care

New research presented at this year’s Euroanaesthesia suggests that among COVID-19 patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), those who have an abrupt decline in kidney function are more likely to die during hospitalisation than those with pre-existing kidney diseases. Moreover, renal replacement therapy (such as dialysis) does little to improve their chances of survival.

A sudden loss of kidney function—a condition known as acute kidney injury (AKI)—affects over a quarter of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 [1]. Previous studies suggest that kidney injury is linked with a 6 bigstock kidney icon isolated on white 402760271 300x300 1higher risk of death in COVID-19 patients. But outcomes of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 and AKI are not well understood. When AKI is severe, kidney function may be replaced by dialysis that removes toxins and excess fluid and salts that accumulate in the bloodstream.

To investigate whether AKI in COVID-19 patients without prior kidney disease correlates with higher mortality and whether this risk can be reduced by dialysis, Austrian researchers retrospectively studied all 129 patients who were admitted with confirmed COVID-19 to two intensive care units at a major teaching hospital in Vienna between September 1st, 2020 and February 15th, 2021. The median age of the patients was 66.5 years and two-thirds were male.

Patients were divided into three groups: those with a history of kidney disease at admission (33 patients); previously healthy kidney patients who developed acute kidney injury on day five of their ICU stay (those with an estimated glomerular filtration [eGFR] rate of <90 mL/min; 26 patients); and those with normal kidney function both before admission and on day five of their ICU stay (eGFR ≥90 mL/min; 70 patents). All patients were followed until the end of their ICU stay. In total, 32 patients needed renal replacement therapy.

The researchers found that 55% (18 of 33) of patients with a history of kidney disease, 46% (12 of 26) of patients with AKI, and 83% (58 of 70) of patients with normal kidney function survived their ICU stay—showing a highly significant difference in survival between the three groups.

In the two groups with kidney dysfunction, the likelihood of survival was significantly below average, indicating a higher risk of dying compared to normal kidney function. The results suggest that neither the earlier initiation of dialysis nor the number of days on dialysis had a significant impact on survival.

“Our findings confirm that kidney dysfunction is a key risk factor for COVID-19-related death in intensive care patients. But, more importantly, they suggest that COVID-19 patients who develop acute kidney injury face a higher risk of dying in the ICU than those with pre-existing chronic kidney disease”, says lead author  Katharina Oberneder from Sigmund-Freud-Private University, Vienna, Austria. “Ultimately, what is most important is focusing on the early diagnosis of acute kidney dysfunction and how we can use these results to improve the care of critically ill COVID-19 patients.”

The researchers hope to do further research to better understand how different factors impact outcomes in this population and develop further insights about how to best to treat this high-risk population.

The authors note that their findings are observational and are limited to a small number of patients in one hospital in Vienna and that their data may be limited by its retrospective nature.

The report authors can be contacted:

Katharina Oberneder, Sigmund-Freud-Private University, Vienna, Austria
E) oberneder.katharina@googlemail.com

Florian Zitzmann, Sigmund-Freud-Private University, Vienna, Austria please email florian.Zitzmann@web.de

Professor Burkhard Gustorff, Head of the Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, Ottakring hospital, Austria; Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Pain Medicine Sigmund-Freud-Private University, Vienna, Austria

Notes to editors:

[1] Pathophysiology of COVID-19-associated acute kidney injury | Nature Reviews Nephrology

For the full abstract click here

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