Newsletter 2020
Council Elections – Call for applications
Dear ESAIC Member,
We are pleased to inform you that we have recently launched the election procedure for the new ESAIC Council Members. Council Members are to be elected for the next term of office starting on 1 January 2021 in the following countries:
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Estonia, North Macedonia and Serbia.
Active Members are eligible to present themselves as a candidate to the elections to represent their working country in the Council.
We need you!!!
ESAIC members are the ones who drive society forward with their efforts and commitment to the field of anaesthesiology and intensive care. We could not do all that we do without you. We strongly encourage your application and would be very much honoured to welcome you to the Council. Should you be interested in becoming more involved within the society and would like to participate, please submit your candidature as outlined below.
What is involved in the Council Member position? The national representative to the ESAIC Council shall be responsible for contact and regular transfer of information between ESAIC and the ESAIC Members of his/her country/trainee members, as well as between the ESAIC and the national society.
How to apply?
Conditions for a valid application:
- Make sure that you are a fully paid active member in 2020 and 2021. If you are not a member for 2020 yet, we invite you to renew your membership online.
- Send an email to officialise your candidacy and attach to it:
- 2 support letters from ESAIC Active Members from your working country,
- Optional: you can also add to your application a motivation letter addressed to the ESAIC members of your country (maximum 1-page A4).
NB: You will be elected by the active members of your country, therefore, your application and motivation letter (if applicable) will be shared with them.
All documents (application with 2 support letters and motivation letter if applicable) must be sent to by Sunday 25 Oct. 2019 23h59 CET at the latest.
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