Newsletter 2023
Education and Training Committee 2022 report
Stefan De Hert
Chair of the ESAIC Education & Training Committee
The Education and Training Committee is an umbrella committee overseeing and coordinating the education and training activities at ESAIC.
2022 has been a successful year; below are the main achievements: Education Tuesday – the education activity has been released every Tuesday and touches upon various subjects for different learners, from young trainees to expert anesthesiologists in various fields.
Podcasts have been a real success: 30 thousand listeners for the first ten episodes. This is why we have decided to double the number of podcasts in 2023 and are already busy with the recordings.
The Academy has been redesigned and modernised to offer a better learning experience to our community members. In 2021 and 2022, ESAIC organised 23 webinars, creating 55 thousand accesses of unique users to the Academy. In 2023, while the live webinar event will be open to the whole community, the content hosted on the Academy Platform will be reserved for ESAIC Members.
Last year we successfully organised the first “Theme of the Month” on Obstetric Safety – 4 live events every Tuesday of the same month, covering different aspects of the same topic. The next one will be on “The Brain Health” in October 2023.
A complete Education Manual is created every year and shared with our industry partners to inform them about the upcoming opportunities to sponsor Education activities. In addition, it helped us build a better process to secure funding for our projects.
All of these achievements have only been possible thanks to the dedicated efforts and engagement of the e-learning committee members and the scientific subcommittees involved with the ESAIC education and training staff.
In 2021 and 2022, we have been assessing all the Education projects and decided to reshape and relaunch some of them to ensure that the projects evolve following the evolution of the educational needs.
In 2023 we will launch a new, updated Exchange Programme to cover different areas and allow more members to participate in an exchange that will enrich their professional life.
The Teach The Teacher Course will be relaunched in 2024 as a Train The Trainer Course, where participants will develop knowledge and skills to train other trainers in Europe.
The Simulation Committee continues to work towards establishing a European standard for integrating simulation into residency anaesthesiology training programmes. In 2022 the committee organised an Utstein-type meeting to bring an international panel of experts in simulation together to discuss and plan how a residency training programme should integrate simulation training. This will create a template for a European-level initiative. In addition, ESAIC, in collaboration with SESAM, began working this year to support the Romanian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (SRATI) to develop faculty to run standardised difficult airway training (NAAM course) for residents across the whole of Romania. This marks the beginning of Romania integrating simulation training into their residency training programme, an ambitious and essential project. Similar projects are planned with other ESAIC member countries.
CEEA is redesigning the curriculum to better fit the European Board of Anaesthesiology (EBA)’s European Training Requirement (ETR) in Anaesthesiology and to implement more intensive care medicine topics, to be in line with the ESAIC aims and goals.
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