Newsletter 2021
ESAIC Gender Equity Committee - Call to action
To all members of our profession, to join forces in achieving gender equity and equality in the European Anesthesiology and Intensive Care,
Medical care is delivered by women, but it is still run by men by the disproportion of leadership positions. Anaesthesia and intensive care are no different. There is a need for equal voices in addressing professional challenges, particularly in times of crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, where women professional and social position may be challenged even more than usual. Different perspectives and visions can lead to superior decisions and create a framework that covers larger varieties of problems, which eventually may improve patient care and safety. Gender equity is about equal rights and equal opportunity in education, career and personal life choices which ensures the best people the adequate positions of action.
Because of that, we invite all members of our profession to:
- Raise the awareness of gender equity and equality and a need for fair representation in the places of leadership and decision making
- Create an environment where gender equality is respected, and inclusion and diversity are the parts of the organizational culture
- Lead by example by mentoring women to strengthen their professional capacity
- Recognize, encourage and support strong women who can be role models for others
- Fight discrimination and harassment in their everyday working environment
- Promote policies and measures that ensure full participation of women in all professional events and educational programs
- To inspire a culture of change towards equality so that all anesthesiologists and intensive care professionals can reach their individual professional goals
As pillars of European anaesthesia and intensive care, both women and men, can influence a positive change and we need to act now, for the benefit of our profession and future generations.
ESAIC Gender equity committee
Read more about the gender gap in the February’ issue – “Editorial: Gender Gap – The discussion is here to stay” by Dr Liana Valeanu
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