Newsletter 2021
Euroanaesthesia 17-19 December 2021
Jennifer Rose
ESAIC Communication Manager
The ESAIC is excited to officially announce the Euroanaesthesia 2021 hybrid event!
Despite the ongoing challenges our community and field continue to face while leading the charge against COVID-19, our Scientific Committee has built an extensive and excellent scientific programme conceived by and for the Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Community. This year, the congress programme is the result of over a year of dedicated and engaged work from all members of our Scientific Committee, who have put in extended efforts to produce an outstanding and innovative programme despite the heavy clinical workload in hospitals.
Euroanaesthesia is one of the world’s largest and most influential scientific congresses for anaesthesia professionals. Held annually throughout Europe, our congress continues to be a contemporary event geared towards education, knowledge exchange and innovation in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care, Pain and Perioperative Medicine, as well as a platform for immense international visibility for scientific research.
To adapt to the current situation and ensuing restrictions, this year’s scientific programme has been divided into an in-person and a virtual component. You can join us, your colleagues, and your peers either in-person in Munich, Germany at the Messe München, or virtually from the comfort of your own home or office. Wherever you are, and whatever your needs, we have a solution for you.
Our virtual sessions, which are held in five main session rooms throughout the 3 days, including accessing the full list of the congress’ live-streamed sessions with the opportunity to ask questions to speakers through a dedicated app.
Virtual attendees can also access abstracts and posters and attend a series of poster presentation sessions in the available learning tracks.
Should you choose to attend in-person, on-site we will provide various in-person and interactive lectures, debates, discussions, and meet the expert sessions on a wide variety of topics relevant to your practice, field and interest. Pre-congress courses, workshops and simulation sessions will also be available onsite upon pre-registration and payment of additional fees.
If you missed a session or would like to review them again, OnDemand webcasts will be available directly after the sessions to all our participants (for those presentations that have consented to be recorded and made available in the ESAIC OnDemand library).
Save the date! Registration for the virtual congress opens on 19 May and In-person event registration will open on 16 September 2021.
For more information, please visit the Euroanaesthesia website:
We look forward to seeing you 17-19 December for Euroanaesthesia 2021!
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