Newsletter 2022
The activities of the Trainee Network during EA22
Diogo Mendes Morais, Igor Abramovich
ESAIC Trainee Representative, Trainees Committee Chair
During June 4-6. the Euroanaesthesia congress was held in Milan, Italy. Finally, after 3 years since the last congress, Vienna 2019, the trainees were once more reunited in person.
This year, the trainees’ scientific programme included three sessions. The first one, “How to succeed at EDAIC”, gave trainees some valuable tips to tackle parts 1 and 2 of the European diploma. The last two, “Mission (im)possible: residency challenges” and “ESAIC Trainees Committee and National Trainee Sections”, highlighted the difficulties of residency and offered some practical strategies to prevent them, the devastating consequences of fatigue and burnout and the perspective of national and international trainee sections. The sessions are viewable through congress’s on-demand system.
The Trainee Committee and the ESAIC, in general, welcome more trainees’ involvement in society. This is why also, for the first time, trainees stepped onto the opening ceremony stage with a short introduction with Chair Igor Abramovich and Council Representative Nadine van Veenendaal. That symbolic but powerful demonstration of trust proves the tremendous importance of the Trainee Network to ESAIC. It adds responsibility to ESAIC Trainee Committee in our efforts to adequately represent all 22.000 European trainees.
During the congress, we hosted a presentation about ESAIC Trainees Committee to approach trainees and a Quiz organised by us with the National Anaesthesiologists Societies Committee to strengthen bonds with all Trainee Network further.
The social programme presented by the ESAIC Trainees Committee brought trainees together and shed light on the darkness of social loneliness that the pandemics forced us to cope with. We hosted a social event with an Italian aperitivo, held in Parco Sempione and a Breakfast on the last day of the congress. Both events offered invaluable opportunities to share fears and regrets but also meant that we left Milano full of new friends, ideas, hopes and an optimistic view about what remains of residency.
For future note, in September, we will hold, at the ESAIC Headquarters, a meeting between ESAIC and the Trainees Committee to discuss goals and potentially reshape our future path.
We hope to stay in touch with all the Trainees we were able to engage with during the congress. We look forward to seeing everyone and even more trainees next year in Glasgow.
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