Newsletter 2021
The Trainee Committee presenting the online educational Facebook sessions
Christopher Blacker, Elena Gjorchevska, Alexandra Trinks, Sanja Golobic, Emelie Risberg
ESAIC Trainee Committee Social Networks Task Force
The ESAIC trainee network aims to establish a link between all European Anaesthesiology Trainees while putting a variety of ESAIC resources in their service. We are currently represented in various social network platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. We continuously produce, gather and spread information that we believe and hope will be useful to our followers and all Anaesthesia Trainees worldwide.
In the process of trying to develop new content and concepts, we had the idea of expanding the concept of teaching the trainee from Euroanesthesia. As this is usually a very appreciated event at the Euroanesthesia congress, why not spread it and expand in on the social networks? We came up with the concept of “Facebook live sessions.” The idea is to invite members of the ESAIC community to present a specific topic to the trainees and send this live lecture on our Facebook platform for everyone, followed by a Q & A. With the help of the ESAIC community, we had the opportunity to host Dr Arvid Steiner Haugen, Professor Dr Jannicke Mellin-Olsen and Prof. Peter Dieckmann to come and speak to us about a variety of subjects allowing around 2500 viewers to listen, learn and absorb new knowledge.
Together with the ESAIC Education and Training Committee, we the Trainee committee want to continue to expand this platform to spread the knowledge further. Today I want to introduce to you the new “Facebook live sessions” that will be happing every second Tuesday of the month. You will have the opportunity to listen to a 20 minute lecture on a specific topic, followed by a 20 minute Q&A with a specialist in his or her area. This session will include topics from all the ESAICs Subcommittees. We have had a great response from so many educators throughout Europe and are truly looking forward to Autumn sessions.
So please, write it down in your calendars, that on the second Tuesday of each month a new and exciting topic will be held around 8:00 PM (CET) on the ESAIC Trainee Network Facebook page. And if you can’t make it, the lecturers will be available for up to one month after the lecture.
Our next sessions will be with the following renowned speakers:
- Dr Paul McConnell from the Ethics scientific subcommittee on the 5th of October at 8 PM CET
- Prof Giuseppe Ristagno from critical Emergency Medicine: Trauma and Resuscitation scientific subcommittee the on the 9th of November at 8 PM CET
Looking forward to seeing you all online with exciting new material, all for free!